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Non-Emergency Line: (352) 754-6830
In an Emergency call 911

Hernando County Sheriff's Office Citizens Academy

Contact Community Relations at 352-797-3689 for more information

Citizens Academy sessions are full/unavailable at this time. Check back in the future for additional sessions.

Class Photo

It is the philosophy of the Hernando County Sheriff's Office to not only enforce the law but to educate our citizens. The Citizens Academy gives our agency the opportunity to provide information to the citizens of Hernando County on the role of the Sheriff in their community. The Citizens Academy classes are held on 10 consecutive Thursdays, 1 - 4 p.m. and 6 - 9 p.m. After graduation, individuals have the opportunity to observe firsthand the job a deputy performs on a daily basis by riding along on patrol. I hope you will take advantage of this program and join us in the next Citizens Academy.

Who Can Attend?

Anyone 18 or older interested in attending the Sheriff's Office Citizens Academy is welcome to apply. Young adults, who are 16 and older, may attend with a parent. Applications can be picked up at the Sheriff's Office or mailed upon request but the most efficient way to apply is by completing the online application and submitting it electronically. Deadline for applications is two weeks prior to the beginning of the class

When and where are classes held?

The location for these free classes is still to be determined at this time. The 10-week course is offered on Thursdays in 3 hour sessions, with afternoon or evening classes for your convenience.

Typical Course Outline
First Class

In the first class you will meet the top administrators of the Hernando County Sheriff's Office and learn the goals and objectives of the Citizens Academy program. You will learn the requirements for deputy selection as well as the continual training requirements that must be fulfilled.

Other Classes Include

The Professional Standards Section where procedures for citizen complaints and employee discipline will be highlighted.

An insight to our Civilian Mounted Patrol will be provided.

The Communications Section will provide you some fascinating facts and information about our state of the art technology.

Traffic deputies will be in to discuss the various situations encountered on routine patrol. They will also discuss traffic laws and public misconceptions concerning enforcement activities.


Community Policing (a.k.a. Bicycle Patrol) will provide an informative discussion on how the unit was established and their proactive enforcement in the community.

The Crisis Response Team and S.W.A.T. Team will elaborate on what it takes to be a member of these teams and how they are utilized in certain situations in maintaining the safety of the citizens and their homes when faced with an event within your neighborhood.

An exciting demonstration by our K9 handlers and their dogs will certainly be enlightening.

Forensics will provide you with a "hands on" presentation that is sure to astound you. If you are lucky you may even be asked to be a part of the presentation.


A Citizen's Volunteer Corps representative will give you the information needed to become part of our "family" by volunteering some of your time.

Operations Support will provide you with information on the Marine and Aviation Units.

Crime Analysis will highlight how and where information is gathered to solve crimes.

One of our Criminal Investigations Division experienced detectives will elaborate on assignments and how crimes are solved.

Drug Bust

Vice and Narcotics will speak on the drug issues facing our county and explain the ways we are combating the problem.

You will receive a brief overview of many other services and exciting programs your Sheriff's Office offers. Upon completion of the class a graduation ceremony will be held (refreshments included) where you can have your picture made with the Sheriff presenting a certificate to you.

Finally, you will receive a tour of our facility, including the Forensics Lab and Communications Center among other areas of interest.

For more information about the Citizens Academy, send e-mail to:


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