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Non-Emergency Line: (352) 754-6830
In an Emergency call 911

Hernando County Sheriff's Office COPPS Unit

Community Oriented Policing is a concept that encourages the community to work with law enforcement in order to identify the causes of crime and community issues while establishing lasting and productive relationships with community leaders and groups.

The Hernando County Sheriff’s Office initiated the Community Oriented Policing and Problem Solving Unit (COPPS) in 1996. Due to both the response from the community and the efficacy of the unit, it operates today with seven Deputies and one Sergeant.

HCSO’s COPPS Deputies perform many functions in their roles and attend numerous community events throughout the year in an effort to increase the understanding and trust between the HCSO and members of the community.

Assisting with the annual Shop-With-A-Cop event.

Deputy McLaughlin assisting a citizen who had a flat tire.

The COPPS deputies assist our Patrol Division by working on involved neighborhood issues, such as ongoing civil disputes, neighborhood problems, etc. They are also responsible for off-road violation enforcement, utilizing ATV’s and 4-wheel-drive vehicles.

Each COPPS deputy is assigned a police mountain bike as a secondary means of patrolling neighborhoods and business areas. All COPPS deputies are required to complete a Law Enforcement Bicycle Certification Course.

Each year, the COPPS deputies enhance our law enforcement presence in heavily trafficked shopping plazas during the Christmas Holiday Season by patrolling on foot, with bikes, and in vehicles.

The COPPS Unit is also responsible for overseeing the Explorer Program. This program, through a partnership with the Boy Scouts of America, teaches children and young adults, age 14 to 21, the aspects of being a law enforcement officer. To learn more, see Explorers Program.

The COPPS Unit successfully conducts the Shop-with-a-Cop program each year at Christmas. Through partnerships with community groups and the Hernando County School District, the COPPS Unit receives and utilizes donations to provide Christmas presents to families and children in need.

COPPS deputies regularly interact with children at the New Beginnings Youth Shelter in Brooksville. This interaction has proven to be highly beneficial as these youths can begin to familiarize themselves with law enforcement in a positive light, thus making deputies seem more approachable in any future interactions.

COPPS Deputies also work with the assorted Crime Watch groups throughout the county to keep them informed of crime trends and patterns that we are experiencing. To learn more, view our Crime Watch Program.

Deputies from the COPPS Unit teach various Sheriff’s Safety and Awareness Seminars, including Civilian Response to Active Shooter, and Personal Safety courses. These classes are offered as needed, to anyone who wishes to attend. Members of the COPPS Unit are also certified to teach Active Shooter training for all of the deputies at the HCSO.

A few members of the COPPS Unit are also certified Crime Prevention Practitioners. This certification allows those deputies to conduct security surveys of homes, businesses, and churches then offer solutions to enhance safety and security. Additionally, COPPS deputies conduct safety and crime prevention programs for the community throughout the year.

Learn about how the COPPS program Uncovered a Potential Dog Fighting Operation

Interacting with members of a Crime Watch in Hernando County.

COPPS Gallery