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Non-Emergency Line: (352) 754-6830 | In an Emergency call 911

Non-Emergency Line: (352) 754-6830
In an Emergency call 911

Business Emergency Notification System (BENS)

The Hernando County Sheriff’s Office provides a FREE SERVICE to safeguard your business and your employees.

The Business Emergency Notification System (BENS) is a program designed to ensure the proper individuals are notified in the event an emergency (burglary, fire, vandalism) takes place at your business during non-business hours.

The BENS system alleviates the need to post confidential, emergency information on doors or windows, thus keeping all information private.

The BENS number is in a gold, star-shaped decal, located on a window near the front of the business.


To activate this free service, please complete the BENS form. Once the form has been submitted, an HCSO representative will visit your business to affix the BENS decal in the appropriate location.


It is very important to include your existing BENS number when updating your information. Please update BENS information anytime emergency contact information changes.

Should you have any questions, please contact Community Relations at 352-797-3689.

B.E.N.S. form for updates and new submissions.