Non-Emergency Line: (352) 754-6830 | In an Emergency call 911

Non-Emergency Line: (352) 754-6830
In an Emergency call 911

Hernando County Inmate Booking Information
Booking #: HCSO24JBN002147
MNI #: HCSO15MNI003690
Sex/Race: F / W
Date Of Birth: 08/07/1987
Booking Date/Time: 05/03/2024 05:06
Release Date/Time: 05/03/2024 09:00
Current Date/Time: 03/13/2025 13:46
Vine LinkSign up for VINE notification.
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Inmate Personal Information
Age Race Sex Hair Eyes Height Weight DOB
36 W F BRO BRO 5'03" 120 08/07/1987

Hold, Stay, and Bond Payment Information
On Hold Hold For
Extradition On Release
On Loan To
Other Agency
Time Served Bond Out Paid Power Number
False False False Day(s) $0.00 No Power Number

Case And Charge Information
Page Rendered: 3/13/2025 1:46:04 PM
Please Do Not Rely upon this information for any type of legal action. The information on this page provides only booking information. It should not be used to determine a persons actual criminal record. This page does not reflect any charging information made by the State Attorney's Office and does not reflect the outcome of any criminal case or trial. Any acquittal or dismissal of the charge(s) does not nessessarily negate the validity of the arrest and booking. To obtain the final disposition of any criminal charges please contact the Clerk of the Circuit Court.