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Non-Emergency Line: (352) 754-6830 | In an Emergency call 911

Non-Emergency Line: (352) 754-6830
In an Emergency call 911

Hernando County Sheriff's Office SAFE Program

Contact Community Relations at 352-797-3689 for more information

S.A.F.E. Application

In Hernando County, there are currently over 21,500 citizens who lawfully possess concealed weapons permits in compliance with FS 790.02. It is in the public’s best interest for citizens who are legally carrying to also be armed with basic knowledge and skills related to possessing said firearms. Therefore, the Hernando County Sheriff’s Office has created a one-day course entitled Situational Awareness Firearms Education   (S.A.F.E.).


Course Details

An informative discussion on Florida’s “stand your ground” laws and situational awareness.  

An interactive scenario-based instruction using our Laser Shot shooting simulator.  

A live fire instruction from our team of experienced firearm’s instructors

Instructor led tactical shooting scenarios with participants using live ammunition.


Each participant must be a full time resident of Hernando County as verified through driver license or other form of current ID.

Each participant must possess a current, active Florida Concealed Weapon Permit or Firearm Safety Certificate.

Each participant must submit to a current criminal history check and verification of participant’s concealed weapon permit.

A $50 registration fee online.

Each participant must bring for use a personally owned firearm. Each firearm will be subject to a safety inspection by Hernando County Sheriff’s Office firearms instructors. (Only .38 caliber, 9mm, 40 caliber, and 45 caliber are allowed.)

Each participant must bring for use 100 rounds of factory ammunition for their firearm. (Reloads are not permitted.)

Registration Process

Complete the online application. Be sure to include your Concealed Weapon Permit Number.

Choose a date (listed above) you would like to attend. Once your application is submitted, you will receive an email to notify you that your application is being processed.

The Hernando County Sheriff’s Office will conduct a criminal history check and verify your Concealed Weapon Permit.

Once your application has been processed, you will be emailed a link to remit the $50 registration fee. Cash or checks are not accepted.

Once your registration fee is received, a confirmation email will be sent showing you are registered for the class and where to report on the first day of class.

Hold Harmless Disclaimer

Participants attending this course will be required to sign and acknowledge that the Hernando County Sheriff’s Office and State Attorney’s Office are providing a service to citizens who are already in lawful possession of a concealed weapon permit. Successful completion of this course provides participants with enhanced firearms information and training. In no way as a result of taking this course, does the Hernando County Sheriff’s Office advocate nor endorse citizens, including those who successfully complete this course, to take law enforcement action of any kind. In providing this course, it is the intention of the Hernando County Sheriff’s Office to teach participants how to safely possess and conceal firearms. Participants will also acknowledge there may be circumstances (outside of this training) where force, including deadly force, may be legally allowed, but is not the safest nor most appropriate course of action.

For more information about the SAFE Program, click to see FAQ SAFE FAQ